Digital Twinning Network Plus launch event:

Add to Calendar 01/17/2024 10:00 AM 01/17/2024 05:30 PM Europe/London Digital Twinning Network Plus launch event: Location of the event
Wednesday 17 Jan 2024
Time: 10:00 - 17:30


The Digital Twinning Network Plus (DTNet+) General Assembly held on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, was a remarkable gathering that brought together experts, enthusiasts, and visionaries in the captivating realm of digital twins. Hosted at BMA House in central London, this event provided a unique platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking.

About the event

Key highlights

Here are some of the highlights that made this assembly truly exceptional:

Engaging talks: Renowned academic and industry experts took the stage to deliver thought-provoking talks. From the latest advancements to ethical considerations, attendees gained valuable insights into the multifaceted world of digital twins.

Insightful panel discussions: Panels featuring diverse perspectives sparked lively conversations. Topics ranged from resilience and security to societal impact, ensuring a holistic exploration of digital twin challenges and opportunities.

Innovative use cases: Attendees discussed real-world use cases that showcased the transformative power of digital twins. From smart cities to healthcare, these examples inspired creativity and problem-solving.

Who attended?

Researchers and Academics: Those driving digital twin research and pushing boundaries.

Industry Leaders: Visionaries from various sectors who recognize the potential of digital twins.

Enthusiasts: Individuals eager to learn, connect, and contribute to this dynamic field.

As we reflect on the feedback from the day, we look forward to future gatherings, and the continued growth of the digital twinning community. Thank you to all who made this assembly a resounding success!